Sports Therapy
Sports Therapy is an aspect of healthcare that is specifically concerned with the prevention of injury and rehabilitation of the patient back to optimum levels of functional, occupational and sports specific fitness, regardless of age and ability.

This Membership has been designed for those who live active lifestyles, from manual jobs to those who enjoy sports, martial arts, to office workers! Keep on top of your body's tension!
Keeping you flexible to enjoy life to the full!
To find out more please contact us now and don't miss out!
Why Sports Therapy
Sports Therapy can play a vital part in the life of anyone, athlete or not!
The correct application of Sports Massage may bring about various physical, psychological and physiological changes.
It can help maintain the body in better condition, prevent injury and loss of mobility, cure and restore mobility to injured muscle tissue, boost performance and extend the overall life of a sporting career as well as help improve quality of life in general.

Benefits of Sports Therapy
A sports massage can help us feel great, a targeted intense sports massage has many positive effects on the body as well as mental health. It can help reduce swelling, soreness and aid recovery from DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). DOMS usually appears hours or even weeks after strenuous muscle activity and a good Sports Massage can help prevent DOMS before soreness and stiffness kicks in.
Sports Therapy can help relieve tension and stiffness by stretching and warming the muscle tissue,
Increases blood flow improving flexibility and mobility.
Sports Therapy is especially effective with muscle pain of which everyone will suffer at some point in their life.
Helps with reduce pain and supports pain management
A better nights sleep
Better mobility
Increases blood flow to the muscles
Helps muscle fibres heal either from injury, activities or day to day stress
Helps with posture
Encourages the removal of waste products such as lactic acid.
Increased join range of motion (ROM)
Lowers your bodies overall stress level

What to expect
When you come to Riley's, we work with you to aid recovery to a position to where you were prior to a recent incident. If this from a trip or fall, sporting injuries, surgery, lifting injuries, exacerbation of per-existing suffering, RTA, to general aches and pains. Via Sports Therapy and or Personal Training we aim to work with you, the issues you come to us for most likely will not be recovered in one session. Our Team of experts share their knowledge, so you can work together for a healthier future.